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Sensoglove Aims To Improve Your Golf Swing

Posted on August 14, 2008 by , with 12662 views

Sensoglove Aims To Improve Your Golf Swing

Golf is one of the most enjoyable sports when you can play it well, yet one of the most frustrating when your game is struggling. Personally, I'm going through a bad patch and I am struggling to refine my swing in order to hit more accurate shots. The fundamentals of golf are essential to improving your game, as when you have the basics nailed your game will naturally develop. For those of you struggling with your game, the reason could be down to one sole factor; your swing. The SensoGlove puts your swing to the test, by utilising a set of sensors and a small on-board computer. As soon as the glove recognises a problem with your grip, the glove will warn you both visually and audibly.

Also, the glove will rate your grip on a scale of 1 to 18, allowing you to strive forwards and reach a more effective grip. Establishing a proper grip on the golf club is one of the fundamentals of golf and can influence your entire swing and shot. The SensoGlove, display and computer will cost you $99, but is an extremely useful device to developing a better grip on the club, leading to a better swing, leading to better shots and lower scores.

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Yo, it is very very very I said it is very very very cooooooool!!!!!!!! 8)

Submitted by tantan

Yo, it is very very very I said it is very very very cooooooool!!!!!!!! 8)

Submitted by tantan

Hu :d :roll: :roll: ;)

Submitted by Anonymous

Your message here.. :oops:

Submitted by Anonymous

Amazing 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Submitted by cgbn

Dis iz hella kute! Well im stealin ur idea cuz I need it 4 my s.s project! Datz how kwel it iz! Rock on dude! Lolz1

Submitted by shakeira h

Cooooool we want more :lol:

Submitted by Anonymous

Your message here.. :? :d :d :d :d :lol: :lol: :( :p ;) :oops: :? 8) :d :lol:

Submitted by Anonymous

I make sure that the matricks cube alarm clock that is the invention of my uncle, what nice

Submitted by double fuc

:oops: :d :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :p

Submitted by Anonymous

I play golf an am not very good at it so I wouldnt mind tryin out this golve!!

Submitted by JJ

Wat an invention....ur all great :d

Submitted by rizz

Its great to invent the things but to become a good human beings

Submitted by SAIF

How amazing is that?! You people are so creative!

Submitted by bobaloo

,.,wow what an invention

Submitted by Ewew

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